Keep hands warm and dry while wearing lighter gloves all year round. Better feel and control.
I was so impressed we took over RainOff when the last owners wanted to sell up.
Sizing has bugger all to do with how thick yer gloves are.
It's about finger length. Measure from the tip of the longest finger to the crease where the wrist and forearm join. See photo above.
X Small (One finger only) — Fit small to average women riders.
Hand size — 140mm to 160mm. (5 1/2 inches to 6 1/4 inches).
Small — Fit riders under 5'8".
Hand size — 160mm to 180mm. (6 1/4 inches to 7 inches).
Medium — Fit riders 5'8" to 5'10".
Hand size — 180mm to 200mm. (7 inches to 8 inches).
Large — Fit riders 5'10" to 6'.
Hand size — 200mm to 220mm. (8 inches to 8 3/4 inches).
X Large — Some riders have huge hands & long fingers.
Hand size 220mm or larger. (8 3/4 inches or larger).
We all know that waterproof is a pretty rubber (forgive the pun) concept in motorcycle products. I think it often has a lot to do with how the products are used. In our testing this was the case with Rain-Off overgloves.
In truth I had mine fill up from the water running down my arm while negotiating 30km of forestry track on the road to the TTT rally, stood on the 'pegs in teeming rain. If I had been able to slip them inside the arm of my jacket as the instructions said, I am confident that they would have been 100% waterproof. They did have about 200ml of water in each glove when I finally found a place to take them off. They weren't going to leak. They weren't going to leak. Lesson learnt - jacket sleeve should fit over the Rain Off to prevent trickle down.
I have used them for 10 years now and they really do keep my hands dry and warmer. I found no real effects on my ability to operate the bike's controls, I got used to them very quickly, they made heated grips work better too. I am constantly amazed that my hands are warmer with my daily gloves and Rain-Offs than with heavy winter gloves... and I have more 'feel'.
100% waterproof. Welded seams make these overgloves 100% waterproof. They simply can't leak when you wear them inside your jacket sleeve!
Heaps warmer— They make excellent windbreakers keeping M/C gloves at higher air temperatures. Great for extra warmth in fine cold weather.
Light weight — Made from strong flexible polyester. Minimal loss of feeling in fingers if any.
Favourite gloves — You can still wear your favourite gloves in wet weather, but be completely warm & dry with Rain-off overgloves.
Last longer — your leather gloves will last longer with no exposure to wet weather.
More wet weather riding — You'll do more wet weather riding too, now the most difficult part of the body to keep comfortable in wet weather riding is warm & dry.
A Great Fit — Made with elastic and toggle buttons to pull the gauntlets tight against the arm keeping the wet from running into your gloves.
Elasticated gauntlet length cuff— designed with gauntlets to cover the longest gloves. Therefore keeping cold wind & rain from entering up sleeves.
More economical — than spending $$$'s on expensive (possibly) waterproof gloves.
Visor friendly — You can wipe your visor clear with no scratching or annoying smearing and smudging.
So. I get cold, frozen fingers. I hate it. I've tried all sorts of cold weather gloves as well as heated grips but in winter, my fingers will nearly always succumb to the cold. We all know the feeling, at first its not too bad but the cold creeps up and eventually ruins your day. Then I discovered Rain Off. I was riding at around 4500 metres altitude in the Himalayas wearing a very expensive set of winter gloves when the cold started to hit. I had brought some Rain-Off gloves with me in the hope that they would at least help so I put them on. After a very short time, I had to pull over, take my winter gloves off, pop on my very light summer gloves then covered them with my Rain Off gloves. I rode on in total, warm comfort. I was amazed, delighted and overjoyed that at last, here's a product that actually, really kept my hands warm. Hooray! Oh yeah, they are also totally, crazy waterproof with good grip and feel. I wouldn't go anywhere on my bike without them.
I purchased a pair of "3 + 1" finger Rain Off over gloves and this has got to be one of the best pieces of motorcycle gear I have ever bought in my 35 year riding career. Exactly as advertised- they are 100% water and wind proof and surprisingly supple and conformable to the gloves and hands contained within. In the sizing recommendation my hand came out as a "small" size. However I generally prefer larger sized gloves for riding. Therefore I went for the "Medium" size Rain Off''s and these are a perfect size for me I would not go smaller as recommended for my preferences. The Rain Off's even fully contain my retro British gauntlets for their full length (these gauntlets are true-to-size for my hands). I live in Canberra and except for the coldest days (say colder than minus 3 degrees C, I can comfortably get away using my light weight summer gloves inside them for the 25km commute into work each morning- wind, fog, sleet, driving rain, and one day last week a snow shower. My bike has no heated grips or hand wind deflectors so my gloves cop the full blast of weather when riding. Hands warm as toast. This really is a brilliant piece of equipment and I highly recommend anyone 'sitting on the fence' who, like me, has seen these advertised in local motorcycle magazines to give them a go so you can see for yourself how well they perform. These work as great as "Rain X" does on helmet visors and car windscreens in the rain. They really are that good Great work Andy for enabling these to remain available after being discontinued in NZ where they were originally developed and made. Guys and gals- support this great product ! For me its all 'thumbs up' to a great product and I cannot think of single negative in my experience using them. Cheers
I knew it would be bloody cold on our recent ride along the Andes Mountains in Argentina but I wasn’t expecting rain. In conjunction with the Beemer’s heated grips my usual setup of undergloves and RST gloves worked well at temperatures well below 10°C – until it rained. I was in no position to pull over in a neverending series of switchbacks so by the time I got to my brand new Rain-Offs my gloves were wet. Two hours later as we dropped from over 3500 metres to 2000 metres and the ambient temperature climbed into double figures I had to turn off the handgrips such were the effectiveness of the Rain-Offs in deflecting a brutal wind. Several days later it was 6.5°C when we took off in the morning. Figuring on minimal clutch and brake usage on went the Rain-Offs. Thirty minutes and twenty kilometres later we’d ridden from around 2200 metres elevation to 4900 metres elevation. And the temperature had dropped to minus 3.5°C. Were my hands warm? No. But despite a full day riding at elevation higher than Mount Kosciuszko, a temperature that never rose above 7.5°C and brutal winds, the Rain-Offs prevented certain frostbite.
I purchased the overgloves almost six years ago and they have never let me down. As a daily rider, I often get caught out in the rain. These overgloves are so easy to put on that your hands will remain 100% dry before the storms hit. As a bonus, there also highly effective at stopping the wind chill. But the overgloves don’t stop giving there. With almost six years of daily use, they have not worn out. No holes, no wear marks, nothing! Amazing, truly a must-have bit of kit!