Here at Andy Strapz I ensure that the gear we make and sell is exactly what we say it is. If it says it is waterproof, I make sure it is bloody well... Waterproof. Other gear that is not is either designed to be tough or super accessible as a design choice. Rain covers are next to useless in my view, I polished a lot of molten nylon fabric off exhausts until I decided to give it away. Placing dry bags, garbage bags or my liners inside the luggage is by far the best totally reliable solution. Garbage bags have a bad habit of letting go a few days out from home though. I ride a bike and I'm out whenever I get the chance, either developing new ideas or testing outsourced products to bring you top notch stuff. Some items take 3 to 4 years to make it to the pages of this site. Older designs need to be continually reviewed and upgraded where neccessary. It is a top priority for me to ensure that you have my endorsement of the gear I sell. If it's not good enough for me, it's not good enough for you... simple! And, I'm mighty demanding. |
For example we took the faithful Tiger to the track with Lukey Luke at the helm to see just how much abuse we could metre out. While we can't recommend travelling over legal road speeds, we needed to make sure the luggage we sell is stable at speed. Over 5 runs down the main straight he topped out at 210kph and repeatedly hit 180+. Even two up we nailed 190 klicks. The bike and gear were remarkably stable. No weave from the Tigger or movement of the luggage. |
Feel free to order goodies to have a look at them, if you don't like them or they don't suit feel free to return the products in new condition for refund, exchange or credit.