KTM 790 and 890 Air Filters by Unifilter
Made in Australia,
The Strapz crew are great fans of prefilters.
They save time, money and heartache.
Most Adventure bikes aren't designed for Australia's dusty conditions.
Add extra protection and easy of service with a prefilter.
They can be changed, cleaned and replaced in a fraction of the time of the main unit.
Supplied pre-oiled and ready to go, simply fit over the end of the inlet snorkel.
Held in place by a supplied re-usable zip tie.
Effective way to trap dirt before hitting the main filter, in a location that's quick and easy to change on the road.
Spare pre-filter foams can be carried in your bumbag or back pack to be quickly and easily swapped on very dusty rides after just removing the seat.
(Not recommended for general highway use, Only use off road
Double the protection by adding the main filter system too.